

  • 不明飞行物(2018) 影音先锋

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  • 状态:BD
  • 备注:Matthew Gratzner
  • 主演:
  • 类型:科幻片
  • 地区:美国
  • 发行年份:2017
  • 更新时间:2018/9/15 19:05:40
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  • 先锋影音在线观看
  • 不明飞行物(2018)影音先锋剧情介绍
  • 影音先锋Based in the near future - where a super secret military organization SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization) becomes operational. Its purpose, to defend Earth from an Alien race, which has been abducting humans from all corners of the planet for decades. SHADO's cover is a London movie studio where their main headquarters are hidden deep below the surface. SHADO, run by the extremely dedicated "Studio Mogul" and SHADO Commander Ed Straker has a cadre of crack operatives with an arsenal of cutting edge futuristic weapons systems and hidden bases on earth and beyond. UFO is the first in a trilogy of tent-pole movies based on the 1970's cult TV show, UFO, created by Gerry Anderson.不明飞行物(2018)影音先锋http://www.xianfenglunli.com/lunli/124988.html
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